Once the process is over, your operating system will contain the tools needed to run TeX. The MacTeX software package comes with an installer designed to streamline the deployment process of the TeX reference edition: all you have to do is follow the on screen instructions. Easy to install distribution of the TeX language for the Mac MacTeX is a software package that enables you to install and take advantage of the language’s capabilities on your Mac computer. TeX is a typesetting computer language designed to help you deal with all sorts of technical documentation. This will remain true for many years to come. The same sources are used on both machines, so Arm and Intel are on a completely equal footing.In 2021, these binaries are in /usr/local/texlive/2021/bin/universal-darwin. Then these binaries are combined into a single 'universal binary' file. Arm binaries are compiled on a machine with an Arm processor and Intel binaries are compiled on a machine with an Intel processor. The major change in 2021 is full support for both Arm and Intel processors.